Shortcuts, Tricks, and Method

Shortcuts, Tricks, and Method

This is arguably one of the best arsenals in our repertoire of coaching/mentoring. We as mentors believe that any MATH question can be solved in at least three ways: Conventional, Approximation, and Back Solving. After the concepts are cleared, we encourage the students to try out unconventional methods like approximation and back solving. By adopting and practicing these strategies, students get lots of time to recheck their sums and correct mistakes if any…

With respect to English, we make the students master transition words. This way the students are likely to find answers to most of the questions just by skimming the passage. We also adopt the vertical line test for finding answers to the RC questions which has proved to be game changer for the students. By adopting our strategies, students have seen at least a 150–200-point jump in their test scores in English